Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Imperfect Progress

Welcome to my chaos.  That is where I live most days.  Ok, let's be real.  That's where I live everyday.  I am a creative brain which lends to messiness and confusion to those looking in.  I know where everything is most things are.  I'm not perfect.  I don't claim to be.  I make mistakes, lot's of mistakes.  But I have a solution to my problem:  God's grace.  You see, even though I am a walking bag of chaos, I am surrounded by God's grace.  He forgives my imperfections and fills me with the Holy Spirit where my chaos is no longer an issue.  It's a great feeling.  And as long as I live in this state of grace, I continue to make progress, not perfect, but progress none-the-less.  Lysa TerKeurst calls it Imperfect Progress.  And I'd have to agree.  So if you find yourself in the midst of chaos, or you want to make progress but you're imperfect, or you just want to hear about my running adventures, stick with me.  We'll be learning together along the way.  You'll find devotions, my thoughts on parenting, being a wife, ministry, links to great books and Bible studies, as well as nutrition information, healthy and not-so-healthy recipes and updates on my running progress as I prepare for my very first half-marathon.  Life is an adventure.  God has promised us not just life, but life abundantly.  Let's live our adventures in abundance.

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