Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I have something to...SQUIRREL!!!

Have you seen the animated movie, Up! ?  Remember Doug?  The dog in the cone of shame? Ya, I can relate to him.
I might have a mild case of adult ADD.  Or maybe I'm just a real scatter-brain.  Either way, my focus is, ummm, lacking a little something.  What's the word?  oh ya, Focus.  My focus lacks a little focus.  If you need a visual aid, please stop by my house and look at my sewing room and the stack of half-finished projects.  Wait.  Don't do that.  Just imagine the large stack of half-finished projects.  My house-keeping is sporadic, too.  And this blog, well, seeing as how the inspiration for this blog post came to me at 0720 on a school day, it will sit half-written on my lap top for most of the day I'm sure.  I love doing stuff, but I struggle sometimes to finish it.  I like to think its because I'm an idea kinda girl, not a details kinda girl.  The detail girls actually finish the stuff they start, but they need idea girls like me to give them the fabulous ideas we never  get around to finishing.  Like the quilt for my little diva that I started six months ago.  I haven't even finished putting the blocks together.  Or the crochet blankets for each of my children that haven't even been started yet.  Or the myriad of other projects floating around in my head.  Pinterest has great potential to be an idol for idea girls like me.  I have to restrict my Pinterest time.  Otherwise it can get obsessive.  So many great ideas.  Just waiting for me to start and not finish. This drives Mr. Smartypants, my husband, absolutely NUTS, by the way. 
I have a point to all the rambling about stuff I don't finish.  I promise.
The Lord has placed a calling on my life to minister to other women like me.  You know, broken, flawed, imperfect.  Mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, aunts, nieces, friends.  We seek female perfection, some of it worldly, some of it the Christian woman we've created in our society, our churches and in our own head.  None of it an accurate portrait of what Christ has called us to be.  Somewhere in all our busy-ness being that great Christian wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, we've missed the boat.  I could go on for days about the specifics, but that I will save for another blog post.  Today I'm focusing more on the logistics of following my calling.  You see, part of my calling has been to minister to women in the military community through a women's ministry in the military chapel.  It is a large, international ministry and I work at the local level.  But my time with this ministry is almost up and it's going to be time soon to move on to what God has for me next.  The problem is that my time is not up YET, but I have been given clear direction where God wants me doing ministry next.  The idea girl in me is already processing and thinking about my new "job".  But my other job isn't over yet.  So I have to keep my idea girl in check and make myself focus to finish the task at hand.  Acts 20:24 is very clear about how I should handle this situation I find myself in.
           "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace."
When I saw this it spoke to me.  I have to finish this race.  Runners will tell you, never start training for, or even thinking about, the next race until you've finished the one you're running.  It can really mess with you.  While I can start training for and thinking about my next "race" in ministry, I have to focus so I can complete the task Jesus has given me for now.  
What task are you wanting to give up on?  Is there something you're tired of doing and you're ready to move on?  Need some focus?  Me, too.  So I'm focusing on Jesus.  


  1. Iam sorry baby, you get some of that from your father!! I know how that bugs Doug and it BUGS your mother too! It doesn't hurt to rub them wrong a little, it keeps things going in the home!

    1. I am more like my father than anyone wants to admit. Mom and Doug would have nothing to complain about if we finished everything we started. lol
